Thursday, May 12, 2011

Its Results time!!!

The long wait is over and the results will be out tomorrow, am not referring to the Exam results but the TN election results!!! Unlike the previous elections this time the media, the politicians and even the voters are unable to predict the outcome. The Tamilnadu voters are known for voting against the ruling party, thus they seldom allow a party to rule more than 5 years.

This time the ruling party had confidence on the schemes they had implemented (free TV, Rice @ low cost etc..) but during the last few months few issues turned up against the ruling party and did favour to the apposite parties. Generally parties go for alliances with other parties hoping that they would bring victory. This time even the alliances were not formed smoothly, resulting in chaos among the party workers.

Media played a very vital role by watching closely the moves of the parties and taking it to the public. The last few days turned out more like drama and few voters did enjoy it. The work of Election commission has been lauded by the public, lets hope that they continue this. Let's also hope that the newly elected Government will take charge without any more confusions and starts working for Public (We can only hope!!) Let's keep our finger crossed along with our politicians for one more day!!!